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Yoshitaka Ota moderates seminar on global ocean commons equity

Yoshitaka Ota moderates seminar on global ocean commons equity

Yoshitaka Ota (CORU Research Associate) moderated a seminar titled “Who owns the ocean? Equity and conservation in the global ocean commons” on October 23, 2015, at the Liu Institute for Global Issues, UBC. A presentation was given by Dr. Marjo Vierros who is a Senior Fellow at the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced […]

Canadian federal leadership failing its oceans, study finds

Canadian federal leadership failing its oceans, study finds

Canada has gone from being a world leader in ocean management to a country failing its oceans due to a lack of federal leadership in implementing ocean policy, the cutting of funding and resources to government ocean science, and the silencing of government scientists. These findings are part of a new study in Marine Policy, […]

Yoshitaka Ota gives lecture on ocean sustainability to Hokkaido University students

Yoshitaka Ota gives lecture on ocean sustainability to Hokkaido University students

Yoshitaka Ota, CORU Research Associate, gave a lecture to students visiting the University of British Columbia to study sustainability on September 16, 2015. Dr. Ota gave the lecture on ocean sustainability and the role of international cooperation to Hokkaido University, Nitobe College students visiting from Japan. The lecture with working dinner was organized by Dr. […]